Monday, August 31, 2015

- Big Changes -

It's been a while but big wonderful things have happened!

Tayo and I went Vegan!
Tayo is more of a vegetarian... and if I bring it up too much he threatens to eat the nearest steak.

After some research, I decided on veganism. In the beginning, it was for health reasons, but the more I investigated the more it became about my health, the health of my husband, my future children, it became about my community, my state, my country, my world. And it most certainly became about the cruelty and torture that helpless animals endure every day for our enjoyment. For my enjoyment. And I couldn't live like that a day longer. I went vegan cold tofurkey.

So, we no longer eat meat, use honey, wear leather or wool, or use products by companies that test on animals, we also are weaning ourselves off the chemicals, so no commercially made deodorant, shampoos, conditioners, makeup, sunscreen, cleaners, etc. And it has been miraculous :)

Tayo is all glowy and has lost about 20 pounds with just being vegan alone.

I have not lost any weight. I am simply maintaining. But happily maintaining! My depression is gone, my skin is clean and I am so freaking HAPPY! And calm, but also crazy energetic! I feel like I am glowing from the inside out. I am in no hurry to lose weight. I know it will come off, but I am not stressing about it (And that's a first).

Tomorrow is September first and I'm going to begin Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. HOWEVER, if I hate it, I'm not going to continue it. So, take that. (hehe)
If I hate it, I'll try something different, until I've found something I can stick with and that I love.

Tayo has been moving heavy things (we're moving) but not really working out. He also doesn't realize He's lost weight. Even though his belts don't fit anymore and his pants are all baggy.

He is in an open relationship with veganism. He says he can stop at anytime, and we are both surprised he's enjoyed it for almost a month now! It warmed my heart to watch him read labels at Trader Joe's yesterday moning :)

I will never touch meat again (Or fish). Knowing what I know now, I couldn't possibly. And I am excited that I am slowly changing my community and my world with such a small change!

If you'd like more information, I highly recommend these documentaries!

- Earthings (be careful with this one. It is highly graphic. But life changing. I sobbed and held my cat closer)


-Forks Over Knives

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